Ethnicity and prehospital emergency care briefing paper published

EMAS paramedic

A new briefing paper, ‘Ethnicity and prehospital emergency care provided by ambulance services‘, was published today by The Race Equality Foundation. The paper was co-authored by Viet-Hai Phung, Professor Niro Siriwardena, and Dr Zahid Asghar from CaHRU and Dr Karen Continue reading Ethnicity and prehospital emergency care briefing paper published

Jolien Vos wins Postgraduate Choice Award at Lincoln Student Union Awards 2015

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Jolien Vos, graduate research assistant and PhD student with CaHRU, was winner of the student Postgraduate Choice Award at the University of Lincoln Student Union Awards ceremony on 23 April 2015. The award, sponsored by the Graduate School, is given Continue reading Jolien Vos wins Postgraduate Choice Award at Lincoln Student Union Awards 2015

ASCQI paper rated highest in Implementation Science top social papers in 2014

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A paper published by the CaHRU team in the journal Implementation Science, ‘The effect of a national quality improvement collaborative on prehospital care for acute myocardial infarction and stroke in England‘ came top in the journal’s measures of social media circulation Continue reading ASCQI paper rated highest in Implementation Science top social papers in 2014

Research from CaHRU helping to improve prehospital care around the world

Paramedic with patient in an ambulance

Research undertaken by CaHRU with East Midlands Ambulance Service and other English ambulance services which has led to improvements in care in the UK is having an impact on improvement efforts in North America and the Middle East according to an Continue reading Research from CaHRU helping to improve prehospital care around the world

New implementation study to improve prescribing safety in general practice

Reading Report

Professor Niro Siriwardena and the CaHRU team have been awarded a major grant from the Health Foundation under their Scaling Up Improvement programme. The project is led by Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust supported by the University of Lincoln, Continue reading New implementation study to improve prescribing safety in general practice