CaHRU presents study of prehospital methoxyflurane for acute pain in trauma in adults at 4th annual UK College of Paramedics conference

Prof Niro Siriwardena presented CaHRU’s latest study on ‘Clinical effectiveness and costs of prehospital inhaled methoxyflurane for acute pain in trauma in adults: non-randomised control group study’ from Dr Murray D Smith who led the analysis, with Dr Elise Rowan Continue reading CaHRU presents study of prehospital methoxyflurane for acute pain in trauma in adults at 4th annual UK College of Paramedics conference

Improvement science and research methods seminar November 2020: Drs Elise Rowan and Julie Pattinson on Complex intervention trials and studies

The November Community and Health Research Unit seminar, ‘Complex intervention trials and studies‘ was given by Drs Julie Pattinson and Elise Rowan. Julie is a postdoctoral research assistant in CaHRU with expertise in quantitative and qualitative methodologies, specifically grounded theory Continue reading Improvement science and research methods seminar November 2020: Drs Elise Rowan and Julie Pattinson on Complex intervention trials and studies

CaHRU Improvement Science and Research Methods Seminar Series 2020-2021

The CaHRU Improvement Science and Research Methods Seminar Series this season is taking place on Teams at 1100 hours on the dates below. Please contact Sue Bowler for a link to join future seminars or click the link below Continue reading CaHRU Improvement Science and Research Methods Seminar Series 2020-2021

Improvement science and research methods seminar: Using consensus research methods with multi-stakeholder groups by Dr Jo Coster

CaHRU’s October 2020 Improvement science and research methods seminar, ‘Using consensus research methods with multi-stakeholder groups: does one size fit all?‘ was given by Joanne Coster, Research Fellow, School of Health and Related Research and Deputy Director at the Centre Continue reading Improvement science and research methods seminar: Using consensus research methods with multi-stakeholder groups by Dr Jo Coster

Improvement science and research methods seminar September 2020: Reflections upon incorporating a realist evaluation within a clinical trial by Dr Paul Leighton

The latest in the CaHRU seminar series was given on 30 September 2020 by Dr Paul Leighton, Associate Professor of Applied Health Services Research at the University of Nottingham and Senior Visiting Fellow at the University of Lincoln where he Continue reading Improvement science and research methods seminar September 2020: Reflections upon incorporating a realist evaluation within a clinical trial by Dr Paul Leighton