Improvement Science and Research Methods seminar October 2022: Recruiting research participants through social media by Dr Joseph Akanuwe

Joseph in Leicester

Dr Joseph Akanuwe, Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Community and Health Research Unit (CaHRU), University of Lincoln, gave the CaHRU improvement science and research methods seminar on 12th October 2022. Joseph started the seminar by stating that social media has Continue reading Improvement Science and Research Methods seminar October 2022: Recruiting research participants through social media by Dr Joseph Akanuwe

Professor Gina Agarwal: international visiting fellow, seminar and public lecture

We were fortunate to host Professor Gina Agarwal, from McMaster University in Canada, who visited CaHRU and the University of Lincoln in September 2022, under the international visiting fellowship programme supported by the Lincoln Institute for Advanced Studies. Gina Agarwal Continue reading Professor Gina Agarwal: international visiting fellow, seminar and public lecture

Could you help with an important new research study about doctors in GP training with specific learning difficulties? 

Are you a doctor in training at any stage of the UK general practice specialty scheme and preparing for the Workplace Based Assessment (WPBA), or recently completed the specialty training for general practice? Do you have a specific learning difficulty? Continue reading Could you help with an important new research study about doctors in GP training with specific learning difficulties? 

Dr Harriet Moore leading research on mental health and emergencies during COVID-19

Ambulance records indicate severe health conditions that have escalated resulting in acute symptoms, often requiring urgent medical attention. During the COVID-19 pandemic our research team, led by Dr Harriet Moore from School of Geography with CaHRU and the Lincoln Institute Continue reading Dr Harriet Moore leading research on mental health and emergencies during COVID-19