
Our research seeks to increase people’s health and well-being and reduce inequalities, two of the UN sustainable development goals, by improving the quality, performance and systems of care across the health, social and third sector care services through our world-leading interdisciplinary research with service users and health service professionals and organisations.

CaHRU has six programmes of research, each with an academic lead and deputy to further the strategic development of the centre and to mentor and support early career researchers:

Underpinning these three programmes are the three cross-cutting themes of Quality Improvement, Healthier Aging and Ethical Healthcare. Our research includes Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership priorities of service innovation and redesign, ageing and inclusion, automation, digitisation and 5 of the 6 university themes including health and wellbeing, rurality, digitalisation, communities and heritage, and 4 cross-cutting approaches of co-creation, interdisciplinarity, creativity and the 21st century lab.

We have been successful in competitive grants from a variety of sources, including public bodies, charitable trusts and private corporations. Current funding includes international sources such as the Wellcome Trust and previousy the European Commission, with most of our funding being national from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Research Councils UK, and regional funding fromthe NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands.