CAHRU/LIH improvement science and research methods seminar: Mixed methods

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The first of this year’s series of CaHRU/LIH (Community and Health Research Unit/Lincoln Institute for Health) improvement science and research methods seminars was given by Prof Siriwardena on mixed methods on 16 February 2016. Improvement and implementation science benefits from Continue reading CAHRU/LIH improvement science and research methods seminar: Mixed methods

CaHRU team reflects on past and plans future

Cahru Away Day

The CaHRU team spent a December awayday at Lincolnshire’s Branston Hall, reflecting on past and ongoing work, discussing current challenges and exploring future opportunities for the research centre. Over the past year the centre has continued to build on its Continue reading CaHRU team reflects on past and plans future

CaHRU wins new grant to investigate prehospital pain management

Emas paramedics

An international team of researchers led by Prof Niro Siriwardena with statistician Dr Zahid Asghar from CaHRU has been awarded funding from the Falck Foundation to study prehospital pain management. The study involves collaboration between CaHRU at the University of Continue reading CaHRU wins new grant to investigate prehospital pain management

Rapid review published on effectiveness of different models of delivering urgent care

A paramedic and his 4x4 emergency vehicle

The NIHR commissioned rapid evidence review to assess the nature and quality of the existing evidence on delivery of emergency and urgent care services and to identify gaps for future research was published last week: Phung V-H (2015) Chapter 6 – Continue reading Rapid review published on effectiveness of different models of delivering urgent care

Have you used ambulance services in the past year? We would be interested to hear from you for a CaHRU study

PREM poster

If you have used the ambulance service in the previous 12 months and are happy to take part in an interview for a new study we would like to hear from you. This study is part of doctoral research being undertaken Continue reading Have you used ambulance services in the past year? We would be interested to hear from you for a CaHRU study